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A limited (see further) printf format implementation for log messages. You can annotate string with special placeholders, which will be replaced with values from the argument list:

  • %s - string
  • %d - number
  • %i - integer
  • %f - float
  • %j - JSON, under the hood we're resolving circular references (they will be replaced with "[Circular]")
  • %o, %O - object, in our implementation, it's the same as %j
  • %% - percent sign


declare function printf(template: string, replaces: unknown[]): string;
declare function printf(template: string, replaces: unknown[]): string;


import { printf } from '@neodx/log/utils';

printf('String: %s, Number: %d, Float: %f, JSON: %j', ['string', 42, 3.14, { foo: 'bar' }]);
// String: string, Number: 42, Float: 3.14, JSON: {"foo":"bar"}
import { printf } from '@neodx/log/utils';

printf('String: %s, Number: %d, Float: %f, JSON: %j', ['string', 42, 3.14, { foo: 'bar' }]);
// String: string, Number: 42, Float: 3.14, JSON: {"foo":"bar"}

Released under the MIT License.