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Automatically reset colors

A powerful feature to automatically reset colors in SVG icons.

  resetColors: {
    // default, replace all colors with currentColor
    replaceUnknown: 'currentColor'
  resetColors: {
    // default, replace all colors with currentColor
    replaceUnknown: 'currentColor'


When we're working with SVG icons, we always need to control icon colors from our CSS. Well-known approach is to use currentColor inside SVG and set color property in CSS.

However, usually, we have different issues with this approach, for example:

  • Icons are automatically generated, and we can't control their content
  • Icons are not generated, but we don't want to manually edit them (for example, we're using some external library)
  • We have a lot of icons, and we don't want to manually edit them
  • We have different SVG assets: flags, logos, etc. and we want to control their colors separately


To solve these issues, we're introducing a resetColors option:

  • Automatically detects all colors in all forms (thx colord) from SVG content
  • Enabled by default to reset all colors (you can disable it with resetColors: false)
  • Multiple configurations for different colors strategies
  • Granular control with colors and files filters


Disable colors reset

  // disable colors reset
  resetColors: false
  // disable colors reset
  resetColors: false

Filter colors and icons

  resetColors: {
    // global files filter (default - all files)
    exclude: ['path/to/icon.svg', /[a-z]*-colored\.svg$/],
    include: ['path/to/other-icon.svg' /* ... */],
    // keep specific colors untouched
    keep: ['white', '#eee'],
    // all colors except white and #eee will be replaced with currentColor
    replaceUnknown: 'currentColor'
  resetColors: {
    // global files filter (default - all files)
    exclude: ['path/to/icon.svg', /[a-z]*-colored\.svg$/],
    include: ['path/to/other-icon.svg' /* ... */],
    // keep specific colors untouched
    keep: ['white', '#eee'],
    // all colors except white and #eee will be replaced with currentColor
    replaceUnknown: 'currentColor'

Replace specific colors

Without replaceUnknown option, all unspecified colors will be kept as is.

  resetColors: {
    // if you want to replace specific colors only with currentColor, you can simply pass it as a string or array
    replace: ['white', '#eee'],
    // when you need to replace colors with a concrete color, you can pass an object with `from` and `to` properties
    replace: {
      from: [legacyBrandColor, legacyBrandColor2],
      to: brandColor
    // you can also pass an array of objects
    replace: [
        from: [legacyBrandColor, legacyBrandColor2],
        to: brandColor
        from: ['white', '#eee'],
        to: 'currentColor'
  resetColors: {
    // if you want to replace specific colors only with currentColor, you can simply pass it as a string or array
    replace: ['white', '#eee'],
    // when you need to replace colors with a concrete color, you can pass an object with `from` and `to` properties
    replace: {
      from: [legacyBrandColor, legacyBrandColor2],
      to: brandColor
    // you can also pass an array of objects
    replace: [
        from: [legacyBrandColor, legacyBrandColor2],
        to: brandColor
        from: ['white', '#eee'],
        to: 'currentColor'

All in one

  • Replace white color in all flags with currentColor
  • For all icons except flags, logos and colored icons:
    • Keep brand colors untouched
    • Replace known accent colors with var(--icon-color)
    • Replace known secondary colors with var(--icon-bg)
    • Replace all other colors with currentColor
  resetColors: [
      include: /^flags/,
      replace: {
        from: 'white',
        to: 'currentColor'
      keep: myTheme.brandColors,
      exclude: [/^flags/, /^logos/, /-colored\.svg$/],
      replace: [
          from: myTheme.accentIconColors,
          to: 'var(--icon-color)'
          from: myTheme.secondaryIconColors,
          to: 'var(--icon-bg)'
      // if you want to replace colors in specific properties only, you can pass an array of them
      properties: ['fill', 'stroke'],
      replaceUnknown: 'currentColor'
  resetColors: [
      include: /^flags/,
      replace: {
        from: 'white',
        to: 'currentColor'
      keep: myTheme.brandColors,
      exclude: [/^flags/, /^logos/, /-colored\.svg$/],
      replace: [
          from: myTheme.accentIconColors,
          to: 'var(--icon-color)'
          from: myTheme.secondaryIconColors,
          to: 'var(--icon-bg)'
      // if you want to replace colors in specific properties only, you can pass an array of them
      properties: ['fill', 'stroke'],
      replaceUnknown: 'currentColor'

Released under the MIT License.